Monday, October 30, 2017

Take Action on the National Health Service Corps, FQHCs, and CHIP

Update from the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved:

House to vote this week to extend funding for the NHSC, CHCs and CHIP. Action needed to protect and strengthen the NHSC! 

House leadership announced a planned vote for this week on legislation to extend funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Community Health Centers, and the National Health Service Corps. The House was expected to vote earlier, but the vote was delayed as Members attempted to find a compromise on how to pay for extending these programs. Unfortunately, Republicans and Democrats have so far been unable to agree on these “pay-fors”. Although not yet confirmed, we expect a vote this week on the CHAMPION Act (H.R. 3922) which calls for a two-year level-funding extension for the NHSC and the Community Health Center program.

Democrats have so far voiced their opposition to the “pay-fors” in these bills. If that remains the case, the bills would likely pass the House along party lines. If the bills do pass the House this week, they will move to the Senate, which will undoubtedly propose changes. These bills will need to avoid a filibuster in the Senate, so our expectation is that they will become more bipartisan in order to be enacted.

As Congress prepares for what will be critical votes on these bills, we need to ramp up our advocacy efforts to keep up the pressure on Congress to do what is necessary to fund the NHSC and all the other programs. So far, we have had more advocates than ever before contact Members of Congress to support the NHSC. As a result of your unwavering commitment to the Corps, we are close to our goal. Now, we need to once again weigh in with every Member of Congress to get funding for the NHSC across the finish line.

Call, tweet at, and email your Representatives today. Ask them to show their support for the NHSC by voting to extend and increase funding the NHSC.

Thank you for your efforts to date. Keep up the good work!

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