Thursday, November 22, 2012

Looking for Storytellers

Insuring our Future is a broad partnership of organizations that share a common belief in the value of Medicaid to our state’s overall healthcare system and a conviction to work to improve, strengthen, and grow its utility for Coloradans who need it most. As part of their effort, they are working to capture the stories of people served by Medicaid and CHP+. It is their goal to capture the “typical” experiences of individuals and families served by Medicaid and CHP+, including both the positive impact as well as some of the areas in need of improvement.

Insuring our Future wants the stories gathered to be authentic and balanced representations of their experiences. It is their hope that the stories will be easily identifiable by average Coloradans, so they don’t have to be about extraordinary or extenuating circumstances. The stories can be from current, past, or potential future enrollees in Medicaid and CHP+. Insuring our Future is committed to gathering a diverse range of stories including stories from young and old, rural and urban, as well as those served by the different components of Medicaid. Some of these stories may be used to educate Colorado policymakers on the value of Medicaid and CHP+.

Insuring our Future has hired a professional writer and photographer to work with individuals who want to share their story. Ideally, the writer and photographer will meet storytellers in their homes or community and spend a few hours with them to really understand and capture their experiences.

How you can participate:

1. Identify potential storytellers.
2. Refer the storyteller(s) to Aubrey Hill at Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Aubrey Hill at 720.583.1760.

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