Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Voter Registration Project for Safety Net Clinics

The Community Health Vote project is focused on working with safety net clinics, including ClinicNET affiliates, to register voters. This project is a partnership between Community Health Vote, Nonprofit VOTE, Fair Elections Legal Network, and the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved. Colorado Participation Project (CPP) is Nonprofit Vote’s state partner for this project in Colorado and they will work directly with the participating safety net clinics.

If a clinic chooses to participate in this project, they will receive on-the-ground training and support from CPP around voter registration and incorporating it into ongoing enrollment work happening at clinics. Clinics will work with CPP to set goals for registering voters and will receive training, tools, and technical assistance to help meet those goals over the next 12 months – with the focus being on the 2014 midterm elections. CPP will provide site visits and regular trainings, plan development and review support, check-in calls and coaching sessions, and additional support tailored to the needs of each clinic. Each participating clinic will sign an MOU with CPP and will receive a stipend for project participation of up to $2,000.

If you are interested, please contact Alice Gibbs from Colorado Community Health Network by July 16th at agibbs@cchn.org or 303-861-9531. [Source: CCHN]


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