[Source: The Colorado Trust]
Monday, October 31, 2016
New Publication: Engaging Affected Populations in Health Equity: An Emerging Framework in Colorado
The Colorado Trust is pleased to share its latest evaluation report, Engaging Affected Populations in Health Equity: An Emerging Framework in Colorado. The report summarizes key lessons learned from the Health Equity Advocacy Strategy (HEAS), a multi-phase, multi-year effort aimed at building a strong, effective field of health equity advocates statewide. It was written by Rachel Estrella, PhD and Traci Endo Inouye of Social Policy Research Associates, the research and evaluation firm for the HEAS.
PEAKView November 2016
Monthly PEAK Training Tips - Web Conference
Each month, we cover a different PEAK topic, and participants will have the opportunity to engage in Q & A and share best practices.
Each month, we cover a different PEAK topic, and participants will have the opportunity to engage in Q & A and share best practices.
Topic: Open forum Q & A
Wednesday, November 2 | 9:00 am - 9:30 am | Click to RegisterAdditionally, we want to hear from you! Please click here to submit a topic for an upcoming PEAK Training Tips session.
CBMS/PEAK support calls - every Thursday from 3:00pm - 3:30pm throughout open enrollment.
Wednesday, November 2 | 9:00 am - 9:30 am | Click to RegisterAdditionally, we want to hear from you! Please click here to submit a topic for an upcoming PEAK Training Tips session.
Community Partner Support Call
Information regarding fixes, calls and call-in information are posted on our website: PEAKOutreach.com
[Source: PeakView]
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Affiliate Clinics - Please Join Us! ClinicNET Leadership Cohort Final Gathering
As we recently announced, ClinicNET will be dissolving at the end of November. For the past 10 years we have been the voice of Community Safety Net Clinics (CSNCs) across Colorado and you may be wondering how that void will be filled.
To learn more, we strongly encourage ClinicNET affiliates to join us for a final gathering of clinic leaders.
When: Thursday, Nov. 10, noon to 5 pm (lunch will be served) reception immediately following
Where: 3840 York Street, Suite 100, Denver
We will spend time discussing the following questions:
To learn more, we strongly encourage ClinicNET affiliates to join us for a final gathering of clinic leaders.
When: Thursday, Nov. 10, noon to 5 pm (lunch will be served) reception immediately following
Where: 3840 York Street, Suite 100, Denver
We will spend time discussing the following questions:
- How will you and the other CSNCs continue to have a collective voice at the Capitol?
- How will you continue to address policy-related issues affecting our clinic and patients?
- How will you continue to identify new ways to reduce costs, improve clinical outcomes and increase patient satisfaction?
- How will you continue networking and collaborating with other CSNCs around the state?
These questions and more will be answered, with your input, at our final gathering. We hope to see you (or another senior level representative from your organization) there! Don't miss this opportunity to share your ideas about how you and the CSNCs will move forward without ClinicNET. If you have not done so already, RSVP today to brooke.powers@clinicnet.org or 720-863-7803.
Sealants Provided in School Settings are Effective
Research shows dental sealants to shield the back teeth could prevent up to 80 percent of cavities in school-aged children. They are quick, easy, and painless to apply – yet according to a new CDC Vital Signs, about 60 percent of school children ages 6-11 years don’t get dental sealants.
Dental sealants are a thin coating that is painted on teeth to protect them from cavities. One way to provide sealants to more children is by increasing their access to school-based sealant programs (SBSPs).
SBSPs are especially important for children from low-income families because such children are less likely to receive dental care. These programs target schools with a high percentage of children eligible for free or reduced-cost meal programs. As a result, SBSPs provide sealants to children who are at higher risk for cavities and less likely to receive preventive care.
Sealants provided in school settings are effective. Recent studies found that dental sealants prevent 80 percent of cavities for two years after application and continue to protect against 50 percent of cavities for up to 4 years after placement. They can be retained in the mouth for as long as nine years.
To learn more, go to CDC Vital Signs.
[Source: CDPHE Child and School Oral Health]
Dental sealants are a thin coating that is painted on teeth to protect them from cavities. One way to provide sealants to more children is by increasing their access to school-based sealant programs (SBSPs).
SBSPs are especially important for children from low-income families because such children are less likely to receive dental care. These programs target schools with a high percentage of children eligible for free or reduced-cost meal programs. As a result, SBSPs provide sealants to children who are at higher risk for cavities and less likely to receive preventive care.
Sealants provided in school settings are effective. Recent studies found that dental sealants prevent 80 percent of cavities for two years after application and continue to protect against 50 percent of cavities for up to 4 years after placement. They can be retained in the mouth for as long as nine years.
To learn more, go to CDC Vital Signs.
[Source: CDPHE Child and School Oral Health]
ClinicNET Affiliates: no changes to LabCorp GPO!
Thanks to the Colorado Community Health Network, ClinicNET affiliate clinics that are currently participating in their LabCorp GPO will continue with no changes! Your new contact going forward is: Johanna Gelderman, Quality Initiatives Coordinator, CCHN, 303-867-9528; johanna@cchn.org
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Amendment 72...Where Will the Money Go?
We wanted to make sure you knew why ClinicNET -- along with more than 100 community, public health, hospitals and veteran organizations -- is endorsing Amendment 72.
By raising the tax on a pack of cigarettes by $1.75 we will drive youth smoking down by 20% and prevent 34,800 youth from starting to smoke.
Contrary to ads funded by Big Tobacco, all of the money raised from Amendment 72 is guaranteed to benefit those most impacted by smoking, and safeguarded so it can't be hijacked for political pet projects or by lobbying from big tobacco.
click HERE to read more
By raising the tax on a pack of cigarettes by $1.75 we will drive youth smoking down by 20% and prevent 34,800 youth from starting to smoke.
Contrary to ads funded by Big Tobacco, all of the money raised from Amendment 72 is guaranteed to benefit those most impacted by smoking, and safeguarded so it can't be hijacked for political pet projects or by lobbying from big tobacco.
click HERE to read more
News from CORHIO
- Information on Public Health measures
- Details on Specialized Registries and EHRs
- Resources
Attention Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) Providers
Weren't able to attend the new Web Portal training sessions?
Don't worry, recorded sessions will be available beginning November 14, 2016. These recordings were originally scheduled to be available October 24, 2016. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Accessing the Recordings
-Access the recordings (on or after November 14, 2016) at: http://lms.xco.dcs-usps.com/
-Login with user name and password. If you do not have an account, click "register here" and fill out the form. Use group code PROV
Course Descriptions
Provider Portal 101: Accessing the Portal, Provider Registration, Logging in, Basic Navigation, Editing a Profile, Adding Delegates, Changing Provider Enrollment Information, EFT/ERA Enrollment, Disenrolling
Provider Portal 102: Searching for Member Information, Eligibility Information, Portal Communications, Uploading/Downloading Files, Reviewing Resources
Provider Portal 103: Searching/Reviewing Payment History, Accounts Receivable Records, Making a Payment, Care Management-Authorizations, Searching/Submitting Claims, Searching Payment History
Bridge Training: Only Case Management Agencies should take Bridge training (SEPs, CCBs, Case Managers)
Live Webinar Sessions
Live webinar sessions were held the first and second week in October 2016.
Additional live webinar sessions will be available starting mid-January 2017.
[Source: Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) Provider Enrollment]
Don't worry, recorded sessions will be available beginning November 14, 2016. These recordings were originally scheduled to be available October 24, 2016. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Accessing the Recordings
-Access the recordings (on or after November 14, 2016) at: http://lms.xco.dcs-usps.com/
-Login with user name and password. If you do not have an account, click "register here" and fill out the form. Use group code PROV
Course Descriptions
Provider Portal 101: Accessing the Portal, Provider Registration, Logging in, Basic Navigation, Editing a Profile, Adding Delegates, Changing Provider Enrollment Information, EFT/ERA Enrollment, Disenrolling
Provider Portal 102: Searching for Member Information, Eligibility Information, Portal Communications, Uploading/Downloading Files, Reviewing Resources
Provider Portal 103: Searching/Reviewing Payment History, Accounts Receivable Records, Making a Payment, Care Management-Authorizations, Searching/Submitting Claims, Searching Payment History
Bridge Training: Only Case Management Agencies should take Bridge training (SEPs, CCBs, Case Managers)
Live Webinar Sessions
Live webinar sessions were held the first and second week in October 2016.
Additional live webinar sessions will be available starting mid-January 2017.
[Source: Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) Provider Enrollment]
Susan G. Komen Application Process Webinar FAQs
An informational Webinar about the Letter of Intent to apply & overall application process for funding from Susan G. Komen Colorado was held on 10/13/2016. That Webinar and application resources have now been posted to the organization’s Web site at:
2017 Community Grant Information tab, under Optional Informational Webinars
Komen Colorado has updated the “Miscellaneous Resources” section of this page for grant applicants to provide links to commonly requested breast cancer data, demographic information about Colorado, and data about cancer trends in the state.
2017 Community Grant Information tab, under Optional Informational Webinars
Komen Colorado has updated the “Miscellaneous Resources” section of this page for grant applicants to provide links to commonly requested breast cancer data, demographic information about Colorado, and data about cancer trends in the state.
A Microsoft version/PDF of the LOI questions was requested. Please find the full PDF call for LOIs and the LOI form only attached here.
[Source: Susan G. Komen Colorado]
Monday, October 24, 2016
Open Enrollment Information Handout for Clients
The Department has created an information sheet for providers to hand out to clients that explains a little about Open Enrollment and the benefits of being insured. The information sheet has been uploaded onto the Provider Information page on our website. We will briefly discuss this handout at the next Stakeholder Forum on October 27, 2016, but providers are encouraged to begin distributing this information to clients immediately, as Open Enrollment will begin on November 1, 2016.
News from Colorado Covering Kids and Families (CKF)
Children of Parents and Caretaker Relatives Need to Have MEC
Effective October 1, 2016, the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) began implementing a federal requirement that certain parents and caretaker relatives living with a dependent child under the age of 19 must attest that the child has minimum essential coverage (MEC) or enroll the child in MEC in order to qualify for the Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid Program) Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Adult category. MEC FAQs
Annualized Income Policy Change
HCPF issued a FAQs document on the policy change that was implemented July 1, 2016, which allows income for self-employment, commission-based employment, and/or seasonal employment to be annualized under certain circumstances.
CMS Initiatives to Reach Young Adults During OE4
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced several new initiatives to reach young adults during the fourth open enrollment period (OE4). These initiatives include using the social video platform Twitch, a targeted and coordinated social media outreach campaign using the hashtag #HealthyAdulting, collaboration with the Department of Defense, an effort to increase marketplace awareness for young adults turning 19 who are enrolled in Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Programs, and outreach with the IRS to people who paid the individual responsibility penalty or claimed an exemption. Read the CMS announcement here.
[Source: Colorado Covering Kids and Families]
New Tool to Help Coloradans Choose Health Care
Shoppers on Colorado’s health insurance marketplace will have a new tool that will help them find the most cost-effective coverage when they begin shopping next week for coverage in 2017.
Connect for Health Colorado® and the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) partnered to develop the Quick Cost and Plan Finder Tool that will enable consumers to see:
[Source: CIVHC]
Connect for Health Colorado® and the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) partnered to develop the Quick Cost and Plan Finder Tool that will enable consumers to see:
- Whether they may qualify for financial assistance to lower their monthly premiums and other costs, such as copays and deductibles.
- An estimate of annual out-of-pocket costs, based on their expected health care usage.
- Plans that include their preferred doctors, facilities and/or medications.
[Source: CIVHC]
Family Leadership Training Institute Accepting Applications for 2017
The Family Leadership Training Institute is a 20-week program that integrates personal and child development, leadership training, civic literacy and civic participation. The program increases your ability to work with and understand diverse perspectives and helps you to be the change you seek. Youth (11-15) attend with a parent or other adult.
Apply by Jan. 8; interviews start in October. Full scholarships are offered to the 17 youth and 28 adults who are accepted. The program is held at Manual High School on Thursday evenings and three Saturdays. Contact Benzel.Jimmerson@denvergov.org, 720-913-5274, for more information. Sponsored by the City and County of Denver, Colorado State University Extension, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Apply by Jan. 8; interviews start in October. Full scholarships are offered to the 17 youth and 28 adults who are accepted. The program is held at Manual High School on Thursday evenings and three Saturdays. Contact Benzel.Jimmerson@denvergov.org, 720-913-5274, for more information. Sponsored by the City and County of Denver, Colorado State University Extension, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
[Source: COPrevent]
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Please Join Us! ClinicNET Leadership Cohort Final Gathering
As we recently announced, ClinicNET will be dissolving at the end of November. For the past 10 years, we have been the voice of Community Safety Net Clinics (CSNCs) across Colorado and you may be wondering how that void will be filled.
To learn more, we strongly encourage you to join us for a final gathering of ClinicNET leaders.
When: Thursday, Nov. 10, noon to 5 p.m. (lunch will be served)
Where: 3840 York Street, Suite 100, Denver
We will spend time discussing the following questions:
To learn more, we strongly encourage you to join us for a final gathering of ClinicNET leaders.
When: Thursday, Nov. 10, noon to 5 p.m. (lunch will be served)
Where: 3840 York Street, Suite 100, Denver
We will spend time discussing the following questions:
- How will you and the other CSNCs continue to have a collective voice at the Capitol?
- How will you continue to address policy-related issues affecting our clinic and patients?
- How will you continue to identify new ways to reduce costs, improve clinical outcomes and increase patient satisfaction?
- How will you continue networking and collaborating with other CSNCs around the state?
These questions and more will be answered, with your input, at our final gathering. We hope to see you (or another senior level representative from your organization) there!
Don't miss this opportunity to share your ideas about how you and the CSNCs will move forward without ClinicNET.
RSVP today to brooke.powers@clinicnet.org or 720-863-7803.
Health First Colorado Go Live Postponement
The Department made the decision to postpone the Go Live date of the Colorado interChange, the new Provider Web Portal and the new Pharmacy Benefits Management System to March 1, 2017.
The additional four months will allow providers more time to complete the enrollment and revalidation process, to receive comprehensive training and prepare for associated changes in their business processes. The Department will conduct additional systems testing during this time.
For more information about the new Go Live date:
The additional four months will allow providers more time to complete the enrollment and revalidation process, to receive comprehensive training and prepare for associated changes in their business processes. The Department will conduct additional systems testing during this time.
For more information about the new Go Live date:
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Additional LOAN REPAYMENT for Safety Net Clinical SUPPORT STAFF for 2016!
CCHN was funded by the Kaiser Permanente Community Health Fund to administer a loan repayment program for clinical support professionals as part of the Preparing the Safety Net for the Future Health Care initiative.
Application Cycle: October 17 - November 14, 2016
Who Can Apply: Current clinical support staff who provide direct patient care. Employees may work at ClinicNET clinics, Rural Health Centers and Federaly Qualified Health Centers in Colorado.
Key Criteria:
-Employed with clinic for at least six months.
-Hold a certificate or degree from an accredited health profesional training institution.
-Educational debt was in good standing.
-Award ranges $6,000 - $10,000 depending on years of employment.
Click HERE for more loan repayment information.
[Source: CCHN]
Application Cycle: October 17 - November 14, 2016
Who Can Apply: Current clinical support staff who provide direct patient care. Employees may work at ClinicNET clinics, Rural Health Centers and Federaly Qualified Health Centers in Colorado.
Key Criteria:
-Employed with clinic for at least six months.
-Hold a certificate or degree from an accredited health profesional training institution.
-Educational debt was in good standing.
-Award ranges $6,000 - $10,000 depending on years of employment.
Click HERE for more loan repayment information.
[Source: CCHN]
News from COPrevent
Healthy Places for Healthy People
Deadline: Nov. 6, 2016
Healthy Places for Healthy People helps communities create walkable, healthy, economically vibrant places by engaging with their health care facility partners such as community health centers (including Federally Qualified Health Centers), nonprofit hospitals, and other health care facilities. The pilot phase of this program is sponsored by EPA and the Appalachian Regional Commission.
Click HERE for RFP
Population Health Scholarship Program
There is increasing support for solving some of today’s most complex health challenges at the community level. As such, communities are becoming laboratories for innovation—for testing interventions that recognize a community’s assets and unique needs. Recognizing the importance of community health leaders in mobilizing change, AcademyHealth is pleased to offer the Population Health Scholarship Program, funded by The Kresge Foundation. This scholarship will provide ten individuals with stipends to attend a policy bootcamp in conjunction with the 2017 AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference.
Apply now! For more information visit the AcademyHealth website
Population Health Scholarship Program
There is increasing support for solving some of today’s most complex health challenges at the community level. As such, communities are becoming laboratories for innovation—for testing interventions that recognize a community’s assets and unique needs. Recognizing the importance of community health leaders in mobilizing change, AcademyHealth is pleased to offer the Population Health Scholarship Program, funded by The Kresge Foundation. This scholarship will provide ten individuals with stipends to attend a policy bootcamp in conjunction with the 2017 AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference.
Apply now! For more information visit the AcademyHealth website
[Source: COPrevent]
Monday, October 17, 2016
Yes on 72!
Big Tobacco -- not an industry known for sticking to the truth under pressure -- is spending $10 million dollars to mislead voters about Amendment 72. We want to give you the tools to answer questions you might be getting from family and friends about why they should vote YES on Amendment 72.
Click on the image or links to learn more and share this important information!
If there's one thing that the Centers for Disease Control, the Surgeon General, and Phillip Morris agree on, it's this: raising the price of cigarettes is the best way to get people to stop smoking, and to stop kids from starting.
Based on studies of tobacco tax increases all over the country, Amendment 72 is predicted to prevent more than 34,000 kids from becoming smokers, save over 20,000 lives and save over $1.4 billion in future health care costs.
Contrary to ads being funding by tobacco companies, all of the money raised by Amendment 72 is dedicated to programs that will directly benefit those most impacted by smoking. From programs to help people quit to medical research on smoking-related diseases like lung cancer; from veterans health services to medical improvements for clinics treating underserved Coloradans, all of the money raised by the tax is accounted for and targeted where it can do the most good for those most affected by smoking.

Here's the thing: Colorado's "Single Subject Rule" says that a bill can only focused on one topic. The Yes on 72 coalition chose to focus on the primary problem: smoking, which kills more people in Colorado every year than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders, and suicides combined.
The tobacco industry has pushed scare tactics like this for decades, and numerous studies have called these predictions exaggerated. In fact, there has only been a single case of cigarette smuggling in Colorado since the tobacco tax was last raised in 2004.Cigarette tax increases are proven to work and that’s why tobacco companies fight them.

Meanwhile, Colorado is falling behind: we currently rank 38th in the nation for cigarette taxes. Passing Amendment 72 will allow us to fund smoking cessation and prevention programs at the level recommended by the CDC for the first time in decades.
Meanwhile, Colorado is falling behind: we currently rank 38th in the nation for cigarette taxes. Passing Amendment 72 will allow us to fund smoking cessation and prevention programs at the level recommended by the CDC for the first time in decades.
To protect these funds for the programs voters intend, we need to put the cigarette tax in the Constitution where it's safe from politics and lobbying from big tobacco. In fact, tobacco taxes have been in the Colorado Constitution since 2004, and have helped thousands of smokers to quit. Amendment 72 makes the existing (but outdated) tax more effective at deterring smoking by raising the rate. It will also provide funding to programs which help smokers quit and take care of their long term health needs. The best way to ensure those funds are protected is to put them somewhere they're off limits to short-sighted political decisions.
Build A Sustainable Fund Development Plan
Does your nonprofit have a fund development plan? Is your funding diverse and sustainable? Let CRC help you improve and further utilize your fund development plan through our three-part Development Officer Series. Each full-day session addresses specific elements of fund development. With the latest resources in fund development, participants will have the opportunity to engage in open dialogue with peers and facilitators.
November 30 - December 6 - December 14
10:00am - 5:00pm
Colorado Collaborative for Nonprofits
789 Sherman St Suite 210 | Denver, CO 80203
$120 Individual Session | $300 Full Series
Save $60 - Attend the Full Series!
10:00am - 5:00pm
Colorado Collaborative for Nonprofits
789 Sherman St Suite 210 | Denver, CO 80203
$120 Individual Session | $300 Full Series
Save $60 - Attend the Full Series!
For additional training opportunities click here
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Please Join Us! ClinicNET Leadership Cohort Final Gathering
As we recently announced, ClinicNET will be dissolving at the end of November. For the past 10 years, we have been the voice of Community Safety Net Clinics (CSNCs) across Colorado and you may be wondering how that void will be filled.
To learn more, we strongly encourage you to join us for a final gathering of ClinicNET leaders.
When: Thursday, Nov. 10, noon to 5 p.m. (lunch will be served)
Where: To be announced at a later date
We will spend time discussing the following questions:
To learn more, we strongly encourage you to join us for a final gathering of ClinicNET leaders.
When: Thursday, Nov. 10, noon to 5 p.m. (lunch will be served)
Where: To be announced at a later date
We will spend time discussing the following questions:
- How will you and the other CSNCs continue to have a collective voice at the Capitol?
- How will you continue to address policy-related issues affecting our clinic and patients?
- How will you continue to identify new ways to reduce costs, improve clinical outcomes and increase patient satisfaction?
- How will you continue networking and collaborating with other CSNCs around the state?
These questions and more will be answered, with your input, at our final gathering. We hope to see you (or another senior level representative from your organization) there!
Don't miss this opportunity to share your ideas about how you and the CSNCs will move forward without ClinicNET.
RSVP today to brooke.powers@clinicnet.org or 720-863-7803.
Go Live for new claims payment system has been postponed!
On October 11th, Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) made the decision to postpone the Go Live date of:
• their new claims payment system (the Colorado interChange),
• The new provider web portal, and
• The new Pharmacy Benefits Management System.
The new Go Live date is March 1, 2017. Providers should continue to use their current processes for submitting claims, prior authorization requests and provider enrollment updates. Claims will continue to be processed and paid as they are currently.
The additional four months will allow providers and partners more time to complete the enrollment and revalidation process, receive comprehensive training, and prepare for associated changes in their business processes. HCPF will conduct additional systems testing during this time and will post updates and resources including revised deadlines on their Provider Resources web page.
Revalidate, revalidate, revalidate
Providers should not pause in their efforts to revalidate. If you have not started the process, PLEASE START IMMEDIATELY. For those providers who have started an application, it will continue to process. For assistance, please call the Health First Colorado Enrollment and Revalidation Information Center at 1-800-237-0757, option 5.
Web Portal Training is available now. Providers should visit the Medicaid Provider Resources web page for more information including an updated schedule of sessions.
[Source: CCHAP]
On October 11th, Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) made the decision to postpone the Go Live date of:
• their new claims payment system (the Colorado interChange),
• The new provider web portal, and
• The new Pharmacy Benefits Management System.
The new Go Live date is March 1, 2017. Providers should continue to use their current processes for submitting claims, prior authorization requests and provider enrollment updates. Claims will continue to be processed and paid as they are currently.
The additional four months will allow providers and partners more time to complete the enrollment and revalidation process, receive comprehensive training, and prepare for associated changes in their business processes. HCPF will conduct additional systems testing during this time and will post updates and resources including revised deadlines on their Provider Resources web page.
Revalidate, revalidate, revalidate
Providers should not pause in their efforts to revalidate. If you have not started the process, PLEASE START IMMEDIATELY. For those providers who have started an application, it will continue to process. For assistance, please call the Health First Colorado Enrollment and Revalidation Information Center at 1-800-237-0757, option 5.
Web Portal Training is available now. Providers should visit the Medicaid Provider Resources web page for more information including an updated schedule of sessions.
Additional LOAN REPAYMENT for Safety Net Clinical SUPPORT STAFF for 2016!
CCHN was funded by the Kaiser Permanente Community Health Fund to administer a loan repayment program for clinical support professionals as part of the Preparing the Safety Net for the Future Health Care initiative.
Application Cycle: October 17 - November 14, 2016
Who Can Apply: Current clinical support staff who provide direct patient care. Employees may work at ClinicNET clinics, Rural Health Centers and Federaly Qualified Health Centers in Colorado.
Key Criteria:
-Employed with clinic for at least six months.
-Hold a certificate or degree from an accredited health profesional training institution.
-Educational debt was in good standing.
-Award ranges $6,000 - $10,000 depending on years of employment.
Click HERE for more loan repayment information.
[Source: CCHN]
Application Cycle: October 17 - November 14, 2016
Who Can Apply: Current clinical support staff who provide direct patient care. Employees may work at ClinicNET clinics, Rural Health Centers and Federaly Qualified Health Centers in Colorado.
Key Criteria:
-Employed with clinic for at least six months.
-Hold a certificate or degree from an accredited health profesional training institution.
-Educational debt was in good standing.
-Award ranges $6,000 - $10,000 depending on years of employment.
Click HERE for more loan repayment information.
[Source: CCHN]
Colorado Medicaid Tobacco Cessation and Pregnancy Webinar
Thursday, October 27, 2016, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. Mountain Time
The webinar is for Medicaid providers including physicians, RNs, prenatal care providers, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, behavioral health providers, patient navigators, and community health workers who work with pregnant women. It will provide information on aspects of tobacco cessation among pregnant women, including:
The webinar is for Medicaid providers including physicians, RNs, prenatal care providers, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, behavioral health providers, patient navigators, and community health workers who work with pregnant women. It will provide information on aspects of tobacco cessation among pregnant women, including:
- Smoking data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
- A new protocol for pregnant women seeking assistance through the Colorado QuitLine
- Baby and Me Tobacco Free, an innovative program to help pregnant women who are trying to quit
- Tips on motivational interviewing with pregnant women
Register HERE
Yes on 72!
One in three Coloradans who start smoking will die prematurely because of it. Tobacco companies are using false ads to deceive voters. #VoteYesOn72 http://ow.ly/kXgn3052HG1
Has your organization endorsed this initiative yet? ClinicNET has!
Has your organization endorsed this initiative yet? ClinicNET has!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Second Health Equity Learning Series - Nov. 10th
The Colorado Trust invites you to attend its second Health Equity Learning Series presentation for 2016-17, featuring Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH of Partners in Equity and Inclusion in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dr. Hardeman's presentation will focus on racism in public health and health care.
Click here for additional details on the Health Equity Learning Series. Please feel free to contact The Colorado Trust for more information on this event.
[Source: The Colorado Trust]
Click here for additional details on the Health Equity Learning Series. Please feel free to contact The Colorado Trust for more information on this event.
[Source: The Colorado Trust]
ACC Phase II RFP Update
Currently, the Accountable Care Collaborative Phase II Team is working diligently with internal subject matter experts to finalize the draft request for proposals (RFP).We look forward to sharing the draft RFP for community member review and feedback on or near October 31. We have updated our timeline for the release of the RFP to accommodate additional internal review.
In the coming month, we plan to release the dates and times of a series of webinar/phone and in-person opportunities for community members to learn about the draft RFP and to provide feedback. The in-person meetings will take place in various locations across the state. Information will be available on Colorado.gov/HCPF/ACCPhase2 and shared via this newsletter.
In the coming month, we plan to release the dates and times of a series of webinar/phone and in-person opportunities for community members to learn about the draft RFP and to provide feedback. The in-person meetings will take place in various locations across the state. Information will be available on Colorado.gov/HCPF/ACCPhase2 and shared via this newsletter.
[Source: HCPF]
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Tomorrow is my last day with ClinicNET...
and so today, I am reflecting on many fulfilling years as Executive Director.
I initially worked with ClinicNET in 2000 when it was a loosely formed service coalition focused on collecting basic service data and bringing together like-missioned, non-federally funded safety net clinics for shared learning and problem solving.
Following passage of Colorado’s tobacco tax initiative and with the creation of the Primary Care Fund, ClinicNET’s steering committee invited me to join them for strategic planning and discussion about formalizing the organization. In 2006 ClinicNET became a Colorado corporation and subsequently a 501(c)(3). My role as Executive Director began in 2007 as did increasingly significant and successful efforts on behalf of Community Safety Net Clinics (CSNCs).
I’ve worked with an amazing board of directors for almost a decade and learned so much from them individually and as a leadership group. Our shared commitment to supporting affiliate clinics for the betterment of communities and for the health of individuals and families has been steadfast. Thank you ClinicNET Board.
Recalling these years of service to the mission of ClinicNET would be incomplete without recognizing the extraordinary contribution of Brooke Powers. Our affiliate clinic numbers have doubled during Brooke’s tenure and her knowledge of the clinics, her savvy advocacy, and her engagement in “opportunities” to improve systems have benefited people in need who are served by CSNCs. Thank you so much Brooke.
Cathryn Benedict, I’m super grateful for your contributions as our Quality Initiatives Manager and Anne Taylor, thank you joining us this year to provide support for our programs and communications. Brooke, Anne, and Cathryn will continue their respective work in advocacy, policy, communications and practice transformation through November after which ClinicNET day-to-day operations come to a close.
Although I’ve spoken mostly about my ClinicNET colleagues, I want to say a huge and sincere thank you to partner organizations, previous Colorado College/Safety Net Clinic Week interns, colleagues, sponsors and others who have made these years so full and rewarding. I’m certainly blessed to have worked with all of you.
I’ll see you soon, of that I’m certain!
With gratitude,
I initially worked with ClinicNET in 2000 when it was a loosely formed service coalition focused on collecting basic service data and bringing together like-missioned, non-federally funded safety net clinics for shared learning and problem solving.
Following passage of Colorado’s tobacco tax initiative and with the creation of the Primary Care Fund, ClinicNET’s steering committee invited me to join them for strategic planning and discussion about formalizing the organization. In 2006 ClinicNET became a Colorado corporation and subsequently a 501(c)(3). My role as Executive Director began in 2007 as did increasingly significant and successful efforts on behalf of Community Safety Net Clinics (CSNCs).
I’ve worked with an amazing board of directors for almost a decade and learned so much from them individually and as a leadership group. Our shared commitment to supporting affiliate clinics for the betterment of communities and for the health of individuals and families has been steadfast. Thank you ClinicNET Board.
Recalling these years of service to the mission of ClinicNET would be incomplete without recognizing the extraordinary contribution of Brooke Powers. Our affiliate clinic numbers have doubled during Brooke’s tenure and her knowledge of the clinics, her savvy advocacy, and her engagement in “opportunities” to improve systems have benefited people in need who are served by CSNCs. Thank you so much Brooke.
Cathryn Benedict, I’m super grateful for your contributions as our Quality Initiatives Manager and Anne Taylor, thank you joining us this year to provide support for our programs and communications. Brooke, Anne, and Cathryn will continue their respective work in advocacy, policy, communications and practice transformation through November after which ClinicNET day-to-day operations come to a close.
Although I’ve spoken mostly about my ClinicNET colleagues, I want to say a huge and sincere thank you to partner organizations, previous Colorado College/Safety Net Clinic Week interns, colleagues, sponsors and others who have made these years so full and rewarding. I’m certainly blessed to have worked with all of you.
I’ll see you soon, of that I’m certain!
With gratitude,
Canceled - Today's (10/6) Provider Web Portal Training Sessions!
"Hewitt Packard Enterprises (HPE) and the Department have decided
to cancel today's (10 /6 ) training sessions .
HPE is currently reviewing and enhancing the Provider Web Portal training
courses in response to feedback from previous sessions. HPE is committed to
providing effective and comprehensive training to our provider community, and
they are also investigating options to expand the number of seats available in
each session beyond 250.
The courses are being revised and rescheduled beginning Monday October 10 th through Friday October 14th, a new training schedule will be available by October 7th, we will send you another notice with the new schedule as soon as it is available. All current registrations will be cancelled and providers will need to register for new sessions, once the new schedule is available.
Next week, all 7 course sections will run each day - offering providers 5 opportunities to take each one as a live session. The courses will still be recorded and turned into an on-demand course that providers can replay at their leisure (providers do not need to attend a live webinar session in order to access these recordings). We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."
[Source: Health First Colorado]
The courses are being revised and rescheduled beginning Monday October 10 th through Friday October 14th, a new training schedule will be available by October 7th, we will send you another notice with the new schedule as soon as it is available. All current registrations will be cancelled and providers will need to register for new sessions, once the new schedule is available.
Next week, all 7 course sections will run each day - offering providers 5 opportunities to take each one as a live session. The courses will still be recorded and turned into an on-demand course that providers can replay at their leisure (providers do not need to attend a live webinar session in order to access these recordings). We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."
[Source: Health First Colorado]
October 15 Deadline: TCHF Funding Opportunities!
Creating Healthy Schools - Local Implementation
Creating Healthy Schools - Local Planning and Assessment
Healthy Living Advocacy - Organizational Capacity Building
Primary Care Leadership
Strengthening Primary Care
Health Insurance Literacy
As the Oct. 15 application deadline nears, TCHF wants to make sure you have all of the information you need. Do you have questions about open funding opportunities or do you need help with the grant application process? There are informational webinars and resources to help you:
Creating Healthy Schools - Local Implementation
Creating Healthy Schools - Local Planning and Assessment
Healthy Living Advocacy - Organizational Capacity Building
Primary Care Leadership
Strengthening Primary Care
Health Insurance Literacy
As the Oct. 15 application deadline nears, TCHF wants to make sure you have all of the information you need. Do you have questions about open funding opportunities or do you need help with the grant application process? There are informational webinars and resources to help you:
- Click here to view archived webinars, which are hosted by the Foundation's program officers and staff. You'll find applicant information sessions that provide information for any funding opportunity, as well as several webinars that dive into specific funding opportunities.
- If you have questions about the technical aspects of the grant application, click here to view Grant Application webinar with the Director of Grantmaking Operations, Sara Guillaume.
- As always, contact The Colorado Health Foundation with any questions about open funding opportunities or the grant application process.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
HCPF: At A Glance News
Provider Revalidation and Enrollment Update: Are you ready for October 31, 2016?!
Building Better Health Conference 2016: Roadmap to Better Health
Health First Colorado Member Quarterly Newsletter
Frequently Asked Questions:Annualized Income
Now Accepting Applications for the Member Experience In-Person and Virtual Advisory Council
The Department is looking for two public representatives for the Medical Assistance and Services Advisory Committee, also known as NightMAC
[Source: At A Glance]
Building Better Health Conference 2016: Roadmap to Better Health
Health First Colorado Member Quarterly Newsletter
Frequently Asked Questions:Annualized Income
Now Accepting Applications for the Member Experience In-Person and Virtual Advisory Council
The Department is looking for two public representatives for the Medical Assistance and Services Advisory Committee, also known as NightMAC
[Source: At A Glance]
2016 Loan Repayment for Safety Net Clinical Support Staff!
CCHN was funded by the Kaiser Permanente Community Health Fund to administer a loan repayment program for clinical support professionals as part of the Preparing the Safety Net for the Future Health Care initiative.
Application Cycle: October 17 - November 14, 2016
Who Can Apply: Current clinical support staff who provide direct patient care. Employees may work at ClinicNET clinics, Rural Health Centers and Federaly Qualified Health Centers in Colorado.
Key Criteria:
-Employed with clinic for at least six months.
-Hold a certificate or degree from an accredited health profesional training institution.
-Educational debt was in good standing.
-Award ranges $6,000 - $10,000 depending on years of employment.
Click HERE for more loan repayment information.
[Source: CCHN]
Application Cycle: October 17 - November 14, 2016
Who Can Apply: Current clinical support staff who provide direct patient care. Employees may work at ClinicNET clinics, Rural Health Centers and Federaly Qualified Health Centers in Colorado.
Key Criteria:
-Employed with clinic for at least six months.
-Hold a certificate or degree from an accredited health profesional training institution.
-Educational debt was in good standing.
-Award ranges $6,000 - $10,000 depending on years of employment.
Click HERE for more loan repayment information.
[Source: CCHN]
News from COPrevent
Helping People in Your Community with Diabetes
The National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) is pleased to announce the Developing Community-Based Programs for People with Diabetes e-learning module now available in Spanish. For more information, click here
Communities That Care: RFA for Additional Communities
CDPHE received funding from the marijuana tax cash fund to support substance abuse prevention among youth using the Communities That Care across Colorado. Communities That Care is a community-based prevention model that was evaluated across the country with significant results, including preventing youth substance use initiation and youth crime and violence. This model helps local communities assess the specific risk and protective factors among the youth in their communities. The communities then pick from a menu of effective, evidence-based programs and strategies to address the specific needs of local youth.
Read more about CTC and apply for funding.
The National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) is pleased to announce the Developing Community-Based Programs for People with Diabetes e-learning module now available in Spanish. For more information, click here
Communities That Care: RFA for Additional Communities
CDPHE received funding from the marijuana tax cash fund to support substance abuse prevention among youth using the Communities That Care across Colorado. Communities That Care is a community-based prevention model that was evaluated across the country with significant results, including preventing youth substance use initiation and youth crime and violence. This model helps local communities assess the specific risk and protective factors among the youth in their communities. The communities then pick from a menu of effective, evidence-based programs and strategies to address the specific needs of local youth.
Read more about CTC and apply for funding.
Build a Clinic
Does your practice want to:
- Build tobacco treatment services into quality improvement initiatives?
- Create efficient and effective patient-centered work flows?
- Improve meaningful use and other billing?
- Improve data collection and reporting efforts to improve practice?
Click Here for more information
[Source: COPrevent]
Health Equity Learning Series Available Online
On Sept. 16, Deliana Garcia, MA of the Migrant Physicians Network presented on the health challenges facing migrant workers and how these issues are related to health equity. Recordings of this Health Equity Learning Series event are now available online, with both English and Spanish subtitles available.
Save the date! The next Health Equity Learning Series event will take place on Nov. 10, 2016. Details on the speaker, venue and how to register will be provided in the near future.
Save the date! The next Health Equity Learning Series event will take place on Nov. 10, 2016. Details on the speaker, venue and how to register will be provided in the near future.
[Source: The Colorado Trust]
Senior Dental Program Seeking Committee Participants
As you may be aware, the Colorado Dental Health Care Program for Low-Income Seniors (the Senior Dental Program) is to promote the health and welfare of Colorado’s low-income seniors. The Senior Dental Program is overseen by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department) with the oversight of the Dental Advisory Committee (DAC). The DAC serves as a forum where the Department and the stakeholder community can discuss the Senior Dental Program along with making recommendations to the Medical Services Board.
The Committee members are asked to meet at least quarterly to receive updates, review, and comment on proposals received from Senior Dental Program grantees. Members will be appointed by the Department’s Executive Director and will be appointed to 3-year terms. There are currently three seats available and the Department is seeking candidates to fill the following interest areas on the DAC:
Please email your expression of interest and any supporting materials to my attention at Chandra.vital@state.co.us with the subject: Dental Program Advisory Committee Membership. Please respond by October 18, 2016. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me directly via email.
The Committee members are asked to meet at least quarterly to receive updates, review, and comment on proposals received from Senior Dental Program grantees. Members will be appointed by the Department’s Executive Director and will be appointed to 3-year terms. There are currently three seats available and the Department is seeking candidates to fill the following interest areas on the DAC:
- A dental hygienist providing dental care to seniors;
- Safety-net health providers that are not community health centers and NOT a Colorado community health centers, as defined in the Federal “Public Health Service Act”, 42 U.S.C. sec.254b. and
- A senior who is eligible for services under the Senior Dental Program.
- Which interest area you would like fill;
- A brief description of your relevant experience;
- Your role with your current organization and your relationship with low-income seniors; and
- Why you would like to serve on the Committee.
Please email your expression of interest and any supporting materials to my attention at Chandra.vital@state.co.us with the subject: Dental Program Advisory Committee Membership. Please respond by October 18, 2016. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me directly via email.
[Source: Senior Dental Program]
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Just Say Yes on 72!
Raising the tax on cigarettes is the most effective way to reduce smoking in adults and stop kids from starting...Spread the word and say Yes on Amendment 72!
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