Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Colorado Medical Home Community Forum April 14: Quality Care for Colorado’s Kids
“RSVP for the next Colorado Medical Home Community Forum Quality Care for Colorado’s Kids on April 14th 4:30-6:45pm. There will be presentations from All Kids Covered and the Colorado Children’s Campaign. The event will be held at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, DOC Room, Building A, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246. RSVP by clicking here. You can also attend the meeting via the webinar link and call-in 1-877-820-7831 and passcode 300218#. Contact Barbara Martin at barbara.martin@state.co.us with questions.” [Source: Colorado Medical Home Initiative]
SIM Workgroups and Advisory Board applications - due April 10
“Colorado's State Innovation Model (SIM) would like to announce the launch of the SIM Workgroup Application Process. The application process is not to discount any work that has already been done, but to make for a clean transition to the new process for each workgroup and to document applicants and work that is being done in the community. You will find the links provided below to the application for the workgroups, criteria for each workgroup and the expectations for workgroup members.
Applications are also being accepted for the SIM Advisory Board. The SIM Advisory Board shall provide advice, oversight, and guidance over the operation of the SIM office. The SIM Advisory Board will also provide recommendations about how to better integrate behavioral health and physical health care in Colorado. Interested applicants should apply for the SIM Advisory Board by April 10, 2015 and appointments to the Board will be designated by the Governor's Office.” [Source: Colorado SIM]
- Health Information Technology, Data, and Quality Measures: Criteria and Application
- Workforce Development: Criteria and Application
- Population Health and Consumer Engagement: Criteria and Application
- Service Delivery and Practice Transformation: Criteria and Application
- Policy and Evaluation: Criteria and Application
- Payers, Purchasers, and Payment Reform: Criteria and Application
Applications are also being accepted for the SIM Advisory Board. The SIM Advisory Board shall provide advice, oversight, and guidance over the operation of the SIM office. The SIM Advisory Board will also provide recommendations about how to better integrate behavioral health and physical health care in Colorado. Interested applicants should apply for the SIM Advisory Board by April 10, 2015 and appointments to the Board will be designated by the Governor's Office.” [Source: Colorado SIM]
Monday, March 30, 2015
Colorado Covering Kids and Families Coalition meeting - April 8th
“The next Covering Kids and Families Coalition meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Click here to view the proposed agenda. The meeting will be held at the Colorado Community Health Network (600 Grant St., Suite 800, Denver, 80203). Three-hour visitor parking is available by turning left into the parking garage off of 6th Avenue, directly east of Grant Street. Breakfast snacks will be provided. Click here to view notes from previous meetings.
For those unable to attend in person, you can join the meeting by phone and online:
Step 1: Dial 866-740-1260, enter access code: 8615165
Step 2: View slides online at http://www.readytalk.com/?ac=8615165” [Source: CKF]
For those unable to attend in person, you can join the meeting by phone and online:
Step 1: Dial 866-740-1260, enter access code: 8615165
Step 2: View slides online at http://www.readytalk.com/?ac=8615165” [Source: CKF]
Connect for Health Colorado Updates
- “Customers in the Individual Marketplace in 2014 should have already received a Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement) to assist in filing their taxes. Anyone who hasn’t got one yet or wants to request a change should call 855-752-6749 by Wednesday in order to get one by April 15. There is more information on our site.
- Hope you saw that the federal Department of the Treasury announced a week ago that taxpayers who filed a tax return that relied on Form 1095-A information that was later corrected don’t have to file an amended tax return. But they might want to. It could cut their taxes. For the announcement, click here.
- Maybe you’re pretty well versed in health care reform and the changes it brought to income taxes. The Kaiser Family Foundation has published a tax quiz where you can prove it, or maybe learn something new.
- Whatever your level of knowledge, you will likely find these tax tips on the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative Facebook site useful.” [Source: Connect for Health Colorado]
Friday, March 27, 2015
Department of Health Care Policy and Financing’s At a Glance and ACA Implementation News
Click here to view the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing’s March edition of At a Glance.
Click here to view the latest issue of HCPF’s ACA Implementation News. [Source: HCPF]
Click here to view the latest issue of HCPF’s ACA Implementation News. [Source: HCPF]
PEAK Updates
“March Enhancement Overview and Training Resources: Several enhancements went into PEAK on March 22 to expand PEAK capabilities and improve the overall applicant and client experience. If you didn't have a chance to attend a training on these recent updates, here are a few of the resources that are available to help get you up to speed on what's new in PEAK:
- Summary of March Enhancements
- March Enhancements Overview Presentation
- March Enhancements Recorded Webinar
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Colorado Access to Care Index Released
“The Colorado Health Institute and the Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved released the Colorado Access to Care Index, a first-ever measurement of whether Coloradans are able to get the health care they need when they need it. The index is designed to help communities across Colorado better understand access to care challenges and to guide conversations about how to address them. Each region as well as the state has an overall score from one to 10 based on their scores in each of the three components of access — Potential Access, Barriers to Care and Realized Access. All materials, including 21 regional infographics, are now posted here.
Click here to register for a webinar Thursday, April 2 at noon to discuss this new tool. It will provide an introduction to the Colorado Access to Care Index, what it includes, and how to use it.
Save the date for upcoming Safety Net Advisory Committee (SNAC) Labs:
Click here to register for a webinar Thursday, April 2 at noon to discuss this new tool. It will provide an introduction to the Colorado Access to Care Index, what it includes, and how to use it.
Save the date for upcoming Safety Net Advisory Committee (SNAC) Labs:
- Track 1 – Accountable Care Collaborative: May 21 and September 17, 2015
- Track 2 – Access to Care: July 16 and November 19, 2015” [Source: CHI]
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
2015 Income Guidelines Now Available
“Annually, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) establishes the FPL which is used to determine eligibility for certain programs and benefits, including Medical Assistance programs. In accordance with federal law, HCPF updated the FPLs for all Colorado Medical Assistance programs, including Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP). The new income levels will be effective April 1, 2015. Updated income charts are now available for Medicaid, Medicaid Buy-in Program for Working Adults with Disabilities, Medicaid Buy-in Program for Children with Disabilities, Medicare Savings Program and Low Income Subsidy, CHP+, and CICP.” [Source: Colorado Covering Kids and Families]
HCPF Updates: E&M and vaccination rate increases, and ACA Implementation News
“CMS has approved the Department’s rate increase to E&M and vaccination codes, bringing them on par with Medicare rates published in December 2014. These rates took effect on January 1, 2015, but we were unable to pay the rates until CMS approved them. The Department’s fiscal agent is loading the rates into the MMIS. Once loaded, any qualified E&M or vaccination claim will be paid at the new rate. Providers are not required to attest to providing primary care. Our fiscal agent will also mass adjust all qualified claims paid since January 1st, and repay them at the higher rate.
Click here to view the latest issue of the Department of Heath Care Policy and Financing's ACA Implementation News.” [Source: HCPF]
Click here to view the latest issue of the Department of Heath Care Policy and Financing's ACA Implementation News.” [Source: HCPF]
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
HealthTeamWorks Webinar: Statewide Practice Transformation Opportunities
“HealthTeamWorks is hosting an Introductory Webinar on Friday, April 3rd, from 12-1PM to provide an update on Statewide Practice Transformation Opportunities. We are also excited to announce and outline the practice application process for the BC3 program that has been generously sponsored by The Colorado Health Foundation. Participation in this webinar is a mandatory first step in the application process. Click here to register.” [Source: HealthTeamWorks]
COPIC Medical Foundation – support for healthcare issues
The COPIC Medical Foundation supports nonprofit organizations in Colorado and Nebraska that address healthcare issues. Grants are provided to organizations that focus on quality of care, improving patient safety, reducing medical errors, and improving disease management and transitions in care. The Foundation supports activities that are centered on education and training of healthcare professionals; pilot programs that are designed to improve medicine; and development, implementation, or changes in healthcare-related systems, tools, and processes that improve outcomes. Letters of intent may be submitted throughout the year. The remaining full application deadlines for 2015 are May 1 and September 1. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the application process.
Colorado Requests Title XXI (Children’s Health Insurance Program/CHIP) Funds
“In April 2015, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing will submit an application to extend Colorado’s title XXI section 1115 demonstration waiver. The application will request an extension of the federal authority for Colorado to continue to receive title XXI (i.e. Children’s Health Insurance Program or CHP+) funds to cover pregnant women with incomes from 142 percent of the FPL through 195 percent of the FPL with full Medicaid benefits through Sept. 30, 2019. During this timeframe, Colorado will continue to reach out to, enroll, and provide prenatal and postpartum care to eligible pregnant women from 142 percent of the FPL through 260 percent of the FPL to achieve the objectives of CHIP. A public notice is posted in the March 10, 2015, Colorado Register. Written comments are due by April 9, 2015, and may be addressed to Allison Heyne at allison.heyne@state.co.us." [Source: Colorado Covering Kids and Families]
Monday, March 23, 2015
Free webinar on March 27: A Small Physician Practice’s Route to ICD-10
“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) are offering a free webinar Road to 10: A Small Physician Practice’s Route to ICD-10 on March 27, 2:00-3:00pm ET. Designed for physicians, practice managers, and other office staff, this session will provide regarding ICD-10 basics and will highlight the benefits to your practice. In addition, concrete tools and strategies for transitioning to ICD-10 will be discussed. The presentation will cover the following topics: Overview of ICD-10; Ways to Help you Prepare; Documentation Requirements for Common Health Conditions; Customizable Action Plan; Resources and Checklists.
WebEx Information: https://engage.vevent.com/rt/cms~032715
Participant Toll-Free Dial-In Number: (800) 603-1774
Conference ID: 2164597” [Source: HRSA and CMS]
WebEx Information: https://engage.vevent.com/rt/cms~032715
Participant Toll-Free Dial-In Number: (800) 603-1774
Conference ID: 2164597” [Source: HRSA and CMS]
Share Your Success Story: submit an abstract for the 2015 NNOHA Conference
“The NNOHA Annual Conference, formerly known as the National Primary Oral Health Conference, is seeking safety-net oral health promising practices that are innovative, successful, and replicable for sharing at this year's conference, November 15-18, 2015 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown in Indianapolis, IN. The deadline for submissions is 5pm MDT on Friday, April 17, 2015.
Applicants are welcome to submit abstracts under the following categories: Incorporating Oral Health into Primary Care; Using Diagnostic Codes as a Tool to Facilitate Quality Assurance & Quality Improvement; How to Regain Financial Footing after State Elimination of Adult Medicaid Dental Benefits; or Other.
All members of the dental team are encouraged to submit an abstract, including, but not limited to, safety-net dental directors, staff dentists, dental hygienists, dental program managers, executive administrators, state oral health program administrators, PCAs and other safety-net supporters. For more details, refer to the online form. Click here to submit an abstract.” [Source: NNOHA Annual Conference]
Applicants are welcome to submit abstracts under the following categories: Incorporating Oral Health into Primary Care; Using Diagnostic Codes as a Tool to Facilitate Quality Assurance & Quality Improvement; How to Regain Financial Footing after State Elimination of Adult Medicaid Dental Benefits; or Other.
All members of the dental team are encouraged to submit an abstract, including, but not limited to, safety-net dental directors, staff dentists, dental hygienists, dental program managers, executive administrators, state oral health program administrators, PCAs and other safety-net supporters. For more details, refer to the online form. Click here to submit an abstract.” [Source: NNOHA Annual Conference]
Friday, March 20, 2015
Results from the Colorado Maternal and Child Health Needs Assessment
“Every five years, the Colorado Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program conducts a statewide needs assessment of the health and well-being of Colorado’s women, children and youth, including children and youth with special health care needs. The process involves collecting data to assess the health status of the MCH population as well as state and local capacity. The process led to the selection of seven MCH priorities for 2016-2020:
- Women’s mental health including pregnancy-related depression
- Reducing disparities in infant mortality among the African-American population
- Early childhood obesity prevention
- Developmental screening and referral systems building
- Youth systems building with a focus on bullying, youth suicide and substance use prevention
- Medical home for children and youth with special health care needs
- Substance use/abuse prevention among the MCH population including marijuana, prescription drug abuse, alcohol and smoking (specific focus to be determined)
Connect for Health Colorado Updates
- “The federal Department of the Treasury announced Friday that taxpayers who filed a tax return using Form 1095-A information that was later corrected will not be required to file an amended tax return. Those taxpayers can file an amended return if they choose. For the announcement, click here.
- Adela Flores Brennan, executive director of the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and a former Connect for Health Colorado staff member, has been named to our board of directors. She has been working in law and public policy in Colorado for 15 years, the past seven in health care policy. Adela was director of our community-based assistance programs before taking her current position at CCHI. Read more.
- Be Healthy Denver and Denver Public Health said Monday that 94 percent of Denver residents now have health care coverage. Before implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2014, officials said, about 108,000 people in Denver — about 1 in 5 residents — were uninsured. Officials report 83.1 percent are now insured. Read more. “ [Source: Connect for Health Colorado]
Thursday, March 19, 2015
March 20th ClinicNET Affiliate Convening Postponed! We need your feedback!
The ClinicNET Affiliate Convening scheduled for March 20th has been POSTPONED.
In years past ClinicNET has co-hosted The Forum (2 day conference in April) with the Colorado Rural Health Center. In 2015, ClinicNET will instead host affiliate convenings in the late spring and late fall. In order to ensure these education and networking events work for everyone's schedule, please complete this survey by March 23rd: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZK883BD
Contact Brooke Powers at brooke.powers@clinicnet.org or 720-863-7803 with any questions.
In years past ClinicNET has co-hosted The Forum (2 day conference in April) with the Colorado Rural Health Center. In 2015, ClinicNET will instead host affiliate convenings in the late spring and late fall. In order to ensure these education and networking events work for everyone's schedule, please complete this survey by March 23rd: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZK883BD
Contact Brooke Powers at brooke.powers@clinicnet.org or 720-863-7803 with any questions.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) offerings for ClinicNET affiliates
“Through a generous grant from Kaiser Permanente's Community Benefit Program, ClinicNET is pleased to be able to offer access to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) offerings. This program offers contributing ClinicNET affiliates access to registration scholarships and travel support funding to participate in IHI activities. Click here to see current 2015 offerings. Upcoming seminars and training can also be viewed on IHI's website.
If you are interested in a particular offering please contact Brooke Powers at brooke.powers@clinicnet.org or 720-863-7803.” [Source: IHI]
If you are interested in a particular offering please contact Brooke Powers at brooke.powers@clinicnet.org or 720-863-7803.” [Source: IHI]
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Project ECHO and Patient Navigator/Community Health Worker Learning Communities
"The Colorado School of Public Health and The Colorado Patient Navigator Training Collaborative are thrilled to announce the launch of Learning Communities through Project ECHO to support connection and partnership within the community, focusing upon CHW and PN related interests and topics. Click the links to view background information about Project ECHO and Training Opportunities through PNTC.
How It Works: Through the Project ECHO model, over several sessions and several months:
What We Need from YOU! Please take 5 minutes to tell us the themes, ideas, interest and topical areas that might be of most interest to you by March 20th! We hope to build learning communities most representative of your needs. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Y3CMHYN" [Source: Colorado School of Public Health and The Colorado Patient Navigator Training Collaborative]
How It Works: Through the Project ECHO model, over several sessions and several months:
- Topic experts present brief trainings on current best practice strategies and patient navigators present cases on the application of those strategies in their practice using bi-directional video.
- Topic experts and other participants discuss cases and recommendations are made regarding next steps. Patient navigators may bring the same cases back for ongoing decision making support.
What We Need from YOU! Please take 5 minutes to tell us the themes, ideas, interest and topical areas that might be of most interest to you by March 20th! We hope to build learning communities most representative of your needs. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Y3CMHYN" [Source: Colorado School of Public Health and The Colorado Patient Navigator Training Collaborative]
Register for the Advanced Diabetes Practice for Primary Care - April 10
"Advanced Diabetes Practice for Primary Care – April 10, 2015 – at the Hilton Garden Inn Denver Tech Center, 7675 East Union Ave, Denver, CO 80237. Click here to view the informational flier. For more information, please contact Emily Fay at emfay@diabetes.org.
March 3- April 9 Cost: $110 | April 10 Onsite Registration: $120
Pre- Register online at www.professional.diabetes.org/Colorado
Target Audience
This activity has been designed specifically for physicians, pharmacists, dietitians, nurses, certified diabetes educators and other health care professionals who care for patients with diabetes and who manage the complications related to this disease. (5.75 CME’s Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Dieticians, Pharmacists, and Certified Diabetes Educators)
Learning Objectives
March 3- April 9 Cost: $110 | April 10 Onsite Registration: $120
Pre- Register online at www.professional.diabetes.org/Colorado
Target Audience
This activity has been designed specifically for physicians, pharmacists, dietitians, nurses, certified diabetes educators and other health care professionals who care for patients with diabetes and who manage the complications related to this disease. (5.75 CME’s Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Dieticians, Pharmacists, and Certified Diabetes Educators)
Learning Objectives
- Identify technological advancements in diabetes care to improve glycemic control.
- Describe current treatment options for patients with diabetes, including how to incorporate new agents.
- Explain the potential impact of exercise on mortality and exercise dysfunction in diabetes.
- Indicate how nutrition therapy impacts the success of intensive diabetes management.
- Identify treatments to optimize weight-loss in patient with diabetes.
- Describe current recommendations and treatment options to reduce cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes.” [Source: COPrevent]
Are you ready for ICD-10? – CCHAP Clinical Newsletter
“ICD-10 Presentation April 23rd: The Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Program (CCHAP) will be hosting a presentation on ICD-10 implementation for providers, managers, and staff on April 23rd noon-1pm. This was one of the most requested topics from our annual practice survey. Our presenter is a national expert on ICD-10 and we are excited to be able to bring his expertise to medical home practices in Colorado. You may attend in person or via webinar remotely. The recording will also be available on our CCHAP website following the presentation. All meeting recordings, presentation slides, and related handouts and resource links are available here. Invitations and further details are forthcoming...
ECHO for Children and Youth with Epilepsy: Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is an innovative healthcare program developed by the University of New Mexico to treat chronic and complex diseases in rural and underserved areas by supporting and expanding the primary care provider scope of practice.
ECHO Colorado will be launching spring of 2015 to support providers across Colorado and surrounding states. The University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado have partnered with the American Association of Pediatrics to offer ECHO for Children and Youth with Epilepsy (CYE) as the first ECHO Colorado topic. CYE ECHO, beginning March 3, 2015, is currently recruiting community healthcare providers who are interested in expanding their scope of practice specific to pediatric epilepsy.
During ECHO clinics, healthcare clinicians present de-identified cases using a case-based format by video conferencing equipment. Project ECHO specialists and other participants discuss patient cases and recommendations are made regarding diagnostic and treatment plans. CME credit is provided at no cost for participating (1hour = 1CME credit) conducted via teleconference. Please contact the CYE ECHO program coordinator, Kory Thomas at 303-724-8061 or korrine.thomas@ucdenver.edu to register and for more information.” [Source: Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Program]
ECHO for Children and Youth with Epilepsy: Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is an innovative healthcare program developed by the University of New Mexico to treat chronic and complex diseases in rural and underserved areas by supporting and expanding the primary care provider scope of practice.
ECHO Colorado will be launching spring of 2015 to support providers across Colorado and surrounding states. The University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado have partnered with the American Association of Pediatrics to offer ECHO for Children and Youth with Epilepsy (CYE) as the first ECHO Colorado topic. CYE ECHO, beginning March 3, 2015, is currently recruiting community healthcare providers who are interested in expanding their scope of practice specific to pediatric epilepsy.
During ECHO clinics, healthcare clinicians present de-identified cases using a case-based format by video conferencing equipment. Project ECHO specialists and other participants discuss patient cases and recommendations are made regarding diagnostic and treatment plans. CME credit is provided at no cost for participating (1hour = 1CME credit) conducted via teleconference. Please contact the CYE ECHO program coordinator, Kory Thomas at 303-724-8061 or korrine.thomas@ucdenver.edu to register and for more information.” [Source: Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Program]
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Policy Changes & PEAK Enhancements Coming on March 22
“On Sunday, March 22, 2015, the state will update several Medicaid rules, and will also enhance portions of the Program Eligibility and Application Kit (PEAK) through a major update to the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS). Please read this summary of upcoming changes. Medical Assistance updates (i.e. Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus) begin on page three.
The PEAK Outreach Team will provide online training for community-based organizations on two dates. The training is recommended for all community-based organizations, even if you are not currently using PEAK.
The PEAK Outreach Team will provide online training for community-based organizations on two dates. The training is recommended for all community-based organizations, even if you are not currently using PEAK.
- Wednesday, March 18, 2015, from 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. Register here.
- Monday, March 23, 2015, from 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. Register here.
Volunteers needed for focus group on CIVHC’s www.comedprice.org
“The Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC), a non-profit, non-partisan organization, is looking for willing participants to provide feedback on the content and ease of use of their website www.comedprice.org. The site currently provides public access to hospital-specific price and quality information for four health care procedures: knee surgery, hip surgery, and Cesarean and vaginal births. CIVHC is expanding the website to include additional services and facility types in 2015 and are looking for feedback on the contents on the new release. As a thank-you for participation, CIVHC will email you a $25 Amazon gift certificate upon completion of the focus group.
When are the focus groups? Tuesday, April 7, 5:00-6:00 pm MT, OR Wednesday, April 8, 12:00-1:00 pm MT.
What do I have to do to participate?
Questions? Contact Cari Frank, Director of Communications at CIVHC (cfrank@civhc.org, or 303-903-6007)” [Source: CIVHC]
When are the focus groups? Tuesday, April 7, 5:00-6:00 pm MT, OR Wednesday, April 8, 12:00-1:00 pm MT.
What do I have to do to participate?
- Complete this electronic survey
- After we receive your survey, we will send you more information about how to participate including the link to the demo website and the pre-focus group “homework” instructions
- Prior to your focus group, spend 15-20 minutes reviewing the website, going through the scenarios presented to you, and writing down your experience and reactions
- Participate in the one-hour Webinar focus group and provide us with your input and feedback based on your experience using the website
- Upon completion of the Webinar, we will send you your gift card electronically
Questions? Contact Cari Frank, Director of Communications at CIVHC (cfrank@civhc.org, or 303-903-6007)” [Source: CIVHC]
Monday, March 16, 2015
Safety Net Advisory Committee (SNAC Lab) Food for Thought: The ACC’s Big Initiatives
“The Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC) represents Colorado’s signature effort to reform how primary care is delivered to Medicaid enrollees. The Colorado Health Institute's latest Safety Net Advisory Committee learning laboratory caught up on some of the top ACC initiatives. This edition of Food for Thought recaps the discussion at the January 22 SNAC Lab, where three experts in different aspects of the ACC spoke about the latest developments.” [Source: Colorado Health Institute]
Connect for Health Colorado Updates
- “The state Division of Insurance (DOI) announced that remaining health insurance plans for individuals and for small employers that do not meet Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements will not continue into 2016. The decision does not affect grandfathered plans, which are defined by the ACA as plans with an effective date prior to March 23, 2010. The division estimates 74,811 people are enrolled in non-ACA compliant individual plans and 114,968 people are enrolled in non-ACA compliant small group plans.
- It was only half as long as our first one, but we connected 10% more Coloradans to health insurance coverage in this year's open enrollment. We finished among the top five state based marketplaces (click here for state totals). Enrollments increased in 63 of the state's 64 counties (Kiowa County's total dropped by two). Rural counties, which account for 8% of Colorado's counties, wound up with 10% of our enrollments.
- Earlier this week the DOI announced that it would not allow a Special Enrollment Period for individuals who wish to sign up for health insurance coverage after doing their income taxes and seeing the penalty for not having coverage. Federally Facilitated Marketplaces and some states have announced plans for special enrollments.
- Reminder: With our second open enrollment now behind us, our Customer Service Center is open for business from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday- Friday and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays.” [Source: Connect for Health Colorado]
Friday, March 13, 2015
Colorado Medical Home Community Forum April 14: Quality Care for CO Kids
“Save the date for the next Colorado Medical Home Community Forum Quality Care for Colorado’s Kids on April 14th 4:30-6:45pm. There will be presentations from All Kids Covered and the Colorado Children’s Campaign. The event will be held at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, DOC Room, Building A, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246. RSVP by clicking here. You can also attend the meeting via the webinar link and call-in 1-877-820-7831 and passcode 300218#. Contact Barbara Martin at barbara.martin@state.co.us with questions.” [Source: Colorado Medical Home Initiative]
Thursday, March 12, 2015
ClinicNET Conversations: March blog post by ClinicNET ED, Sharon Adams

“[Patient stories] help us stay grounded in the essential reasons for practice transformation. As more and more opportunities are available to engage in practice transformation, clinics and providers need to identify what is impactful for them and their patients. Enabling the integration of primary care, behavioral health, oral health and specialty care as part of practice transformation is exciting. As is improving patient outcomes, increasing access to care, reducing costs, and improving patient experience. Practice transformation initiatives underway or emerging in Colorado are many.” Continue reading…
ClinicNET Affiliate IT Cohort and Practice Administrators Cohort meet in April!
The next ClinicNET affiliate IT Cohort is scheduled for April 9, 1:00-3:00pm and the Practice Administrator Cohort is scheduled for April 30th, 9:00am-11:00am.
Both gatherings will be held at Inner City Health Center, 3840 York Street, Suite 100, Denver,(please note we will be meeting in the office building next door to the clinic). Please RSVP to Brooke Powers at brooke.powers@clinicnet.org.
Both gatherings will be held at Inner City Health Center, 3840 York Street, Suite 100, Denver,(please note we will be meeting in the office building next door to the clinic). Please RSVP to Brooke Powers at brooke.powers@clinicnet.org.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
ClinicNET Bill Position Update
ClinicNET strives to advance health care access, health equity and innovative models of care delivery. We offer a centralized voice to advocate for legislation and policies that strengthen the health care safety net system. We also advocate for expanded access to and provision of high quality care for low income, newly insured, uninsured and underinsured Coloradans on behalf of Community Safety Net Clinics. Since March 11, 2015 we've taken the positions on the following bills:
Active Support
Active Support
- SB15-197: Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriptive Authority (check out the associated website http://www.coloradoapn.org/)
- HB15-1032: Licensed Mental Health Professionals Treat Minors
- HB15-1039: Prescription Give-back for Institutions
- HB15-1194: Authorize General Fund Dollars for LARC Services
- HB15-1238: Tax Credit Preceptors Health Professional Shortage Areas
- HB15-1242: Patient Caregiver Designation Hospital Requirement
- SB15-053: Dispense Supply of Emergency Drugs for Overdose Victims
- HB15-1141: Hospital Provider Fee Patient Billing Statements
- HB15-1163: Contingent Repeal Health Insurance Laws Aligning with ACA
Event Showcasing Successes in Patient Centered Medical Home Team-based Care
"The Colorado Academy of Family Physicians and Colorado Nurses Association present It’s All About the Team: an educational event to showcase successes in Patient Centered Medical Home team-based care. The event is March 25th, 10:00am-2:00pm at COPIC, Mile High Conference Room, 7351 E. Lowry Blvd., Denver, CO 80230. Click here to register.
You are invited to hear how physicians and nurses work together in team-based settings, the different roles of team members, and how to apply the team model of the medical home of patient care. Learn how to create a team in your practice. All primary care practices, physicians, nurses, physician assistants, medical assistants, medical students, and legislators are invited. Contact Erin Watwood at erin@coloradoafp.org or 303-696-6655 ext. 14 with questions." [Source: CAFP]
You are invited to hear how physicians and nurses work together in team-based settings, the different roles of team members, and how to apply the team model of the medical home of patient care. Learn how to create a team in your practice. All primary care practices, physicians, nurses, physician assistants, medical assistants, medical students, and legislators are invited. Contact Erin Watwood at erin@coloradoafp.org or 303-696-6655 ext. 14 with questions." [Source: CAFP]
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
ClinicNET’s recorded Loan Repayment and Provider Recruitment webinar
Check out ClinicNET’s recorded webinar on Loan Repayment and Provider Recruitment, including discussion about programs such as the Colorado Health Service Corps, the National Health Service Corps, and the Colorado Provider Recruitment Program. Guest presenters were Sara Maki from the Primary Care Office at the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment and Sara Leahy from the Colorado Rural Health Center.
TLC Pharmacy Seeks ClinicNET Members for Pilot Program
Get Dispensing-Ready Donated Medicine Delivered to your Clinic Door
"Since early 2014, ClinicNET affiliate TLC Pharmacy has successfully partnered with the nonprofit SIRUM to gain access to over $100,000 worth of donated medicine for their low-income patients. Now, SIRUM and TLC Pharmacy are partnering to help other ClinicNET members gain easy access to the cost-saving benefits of donated medicine.
As a recipient of donated medicine from TLC Pharmacy, your clinic would receive:
"Since early 2014, ClinicNET affiliate TLC Pharmacy has successfully partnered with the nonprofit SIRUM to gain access to over $100,000 worth of donated medicine for their low-income patients. Now, SIRUM and TLC Pharmacy are partnering to help other ClinicNET members gain easy access to the cost-saving benefits of donated medicine.
As a recipient of donated medicine from TLC Pharmacy, your clinic would receive:
- Ongoing shipments of donated medications from an extensive formulary of commonly prescribed medicine for chronic conditions such as heart, mental health and respiratory diseases
- Medicine pre-packaged into patient vials, all 6+ months from expiration
- All necessary records of donated items for easy integration with your existing inventory
- Complete flexibility in how you choose to utilize donated stock (no citizenship, residency or income requirements)
Monday, March 9, 2015
Colorado Children’s Healthcare Access Program: Practice Manager Newsletter
“Medicaid 2015 fee schedule update - Increase in Payment for Office Visits and Vaccine Administration: Beginning January 1, 2015, Colorado Medicaid is reimbursing covered office visit (E&M) and vaccine administration procedure codes at a rate equal to 100% of the December 2014 Medicare reimbursement rate. The new rate is available to all enrolled providers that submit fee schedule claims for office visits or vaccine administrations. The new reimbursement rate will remain in place through June 30, 2016. Click here for the fee schedules.
Due to a delay in CMS approval of the new rates, the higher rates have not yet been loaded in the Medicaid claims processing system. Medicaid does not have an anticipated approval date at this time. Medicaid will retroactively adjust claims with dates of service on or after January 1, 2015, to reflect the rate increase. Providers should continue to submit charges based on Usual and Customary rates, when applicable. Automatic adjustments can be made by the Medicaid claims system only if the original submitted charge on a claim is greater than the newly revised rate; otherwise, the provider must resubmit a claim with the higher rate. Once CMS approval is received, the new rates will be loaded and will be paid upon claim submittal.
Check out the CCHAP Practice Manager Newsletter for more information on:
Due to a delay in CMS approval of the new rates, the higher rates have not yet been loaded in the Medicaid claims processing system. Medicaid does not have an anticipated approval date at this time. Medicaid will retroactively adjust claims with dates of service on or after January 1, 2015, to reflect the rate increase. Providers should continue to submit charges based on Usual and Customary rates, when applicable. Automatic adjustments can be made by the Medicaid claims system only if the original submitted charge on a claim is greater than the newly revised rate; otherwise, the provider must resubmit a claim with the higher rate. Once CMS approval is received, the new rates will be loaded and will be paid upon claim submittal.
Check out the CCHAP Practice Manager Newsletter for more information on:
- Next CCHAP Practice Manager Meeting
- New CCHAP website
- Quick Reference Preventive Screening Coding Table
- ECHO for Children and Youth with Epilepsy
- New CCHAP Attribution Scrubbing Tool” [Source: CCHAP]
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Half-day ClincNET Affiliate Convening March 20th, register today!
Please join us for a half-day ClinicNET Affiliate Convening, March 20th from 10am-3pm!
Presentation and discussion will include the State Innovation Model (SIM), TCPI and other practice transformation efforts, ECHO Colorado, specialty care e-consultations/referrals and much more. The convening will be held in the Mile High Room at COPIC, 7351 E. Lowry Blvd., Denver, CO 80230. Lunch will be served and there will be plenty of time to network with your peers in the safety net. Click here to register today!
ClinicNET Practice Administrators & IT Cohorts – time to schedule the next gathering!
Thank you to those who participated in the inaugural meeting of the Practice Administrators Cohort and the IT Cohort at Doctors Care! Inner City Health Center will host the next round of gatherings!
The Practice Administrators Cohort will meet on April 28, 29, or 30. Please complete this Doodle with your availability if you are interested in attending: http://doodle.com/kncfafukgx7e7tkd
The IT Cohort will meet April 9, 10, 16 or 17. Please complete this Doodle with your availability if you are interested in attending: http://doodle.com/ rcxbcpa99q4dnxur
The Practice Administrators Cohort will meet on April 28, 29, or 30. Please complete this Doodle with your availability if you are interested in attending: http://doodle.com/kncfafukgx7e7tkd
The IT Cohort will meet April 9, 10, 16 or 17. Please complete this Doodle with your availability if you are interested in attending: http://doodle.com/

Wednesday, March 4, 2015
FREE Webinars from Kaiser Permanente
Click here to view the schedule for Kaiser Permanente’s webinars. These are FREE and open to anyone. There are webinars available on:
- Freedom from Tobacco
- Healing Hearts
- “Heart and Sole” of Health
- Preventing Diabetes and Heart Disease
- Mediterranean Diet for Heart Health
- Weight Loss: Weighing the Options[Source: Kaiser Permanente]
2015 National Health Services Corps site application opens March 31 & check out ClinicNET’s recorded Loan Repayment and Provider Recruitment webinar!
The 2015 National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Site Application cycle opens on Tuesday, March 31 for healthcare sites that have never been approved as an NHSC site. The benefits of becoming an approved NHSC-site are many including access to NHSC Loan Repayment and Scholarship Program providers who are currently seeking employment at NHSC-approved sites. Sites can also utilize the NHSC Jobs Center, where NHSC-approved sites post job openings and site profiles to attract the attention of more than 17,000 unique visitors each month. In addition, NHSC-approved sites can participate in NHSC Virtual Job Fairs, which provide NHSC-approved sites the opportunity to recruit providers in a cost effective manner since interaction is facilitated online via the internet and phone.
When the cycle opens on March 31, facilities will submit an NHSC Site Application through the Bureau of Health Workforce Program Portal. Below are several resources potential NHSC site applicants may find helpful:
When the cycle opens on March 31, facilities will submit an NHSC Site Application through the Bureau of Health Workforce Program Portal. Below are several resources potential NHSC site applicants may find helpful:
- 2014 NHSC’s Site Reference Guide. The 2015 Site Reference Guide will be made available on March 31.
- NHSC Site Eligibility Requirements
- NHSC Site Applicant Checklist
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Connect for Health Colorado Updates - Joint Individual Experience and Outreach and Communications Advisory Group Meeting
"Connect for Health Colorado's Individual Experience and Outreach and Communications Advisory Groups will be hosting a meeting on Thursday, March 12th, 10:00am-11:30am to elicit important feedback from each of you. The meeting will take place at Connect for Health Colorado, 3773 Cherry Creek N Drive, Ste 1025, Denver, CO 80209. Webinar access for remote participants will also be available.
Areas of discussion will be focused on getting your ideas and recommendations for the future structure of the Marketplace. Discussion will also include reflection on this past Open Enrollment and recommendations about future enhancements. Click here to RSVP!
Other Updates:
- The possibility of a special Open Enrollment period to give tax filers who discover they are subject to a tax penalty for going without health insurance another chance to sign up is still under discussion. We have been talking with stakeholders, including the state Division of Insurance, and expect a decision soon.
- Our second Open Enrollment period had closed only five days earlier when the federal department of Health and Human Services last Friday issued the rule which includes the dates for the 2016 Open Enrollment. It will run from Nov. 1, 2015, through Jan. 31, 2016. You can find more details here.
- The state House Health, Insurance and Environment Committee on Thursday voted down a bill that would have increased legislative oversight of Connect for Health Colorado. Senate Bill 52 would have given the Legislative Health Benefit Exchange Implementation Review Committee oversight over salaries, raises and bonuses for employees. Read more.
- Gallup Healthways released another poll showing the drop in the uninsured rate. The report reflects polling for all of 2014, which found a 5.8 percentage point drop in Colorado and a 3.5 percentage point decline nationwide. Another way to look at it, 12.3 million fewer adults were uninsured in the last three months of 2014, when compared with the third quarter of 2013, when open enrollment in state health insurance marketplaces began. Read more." [Source: Connect for Health Colorado]
PEAK Updates
“March Enhancements: There are several enhancements in store for March 22nd that will expand PEAK capabilities to improve the overall applicant and client experience. Click here for a full summary of the March enhancements and visit the Training Resources page to learn more and register for training.
PEAK Training Resources:
PEAK Training Resources:
- We are hosting two live webinars where you can learn about the upcoming PEAK enhancements: March 18th 2-3:15pm and March 23rd 9-10:15am.
- The Intro to PEAK and Application Walk-Through On-Demand webinars have been updated and are available for you to watch at your convenience.
- Remember to check out the PEAK Outreach & Training site. We have updated the instructional user guides and will continue to add resources as PEAK functionality is enhanced. Click here for PEAK Training Resources and click here to request PEAK training.
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